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Follow all directions on your prescription label. Do not take Pradaxa in larger or smaller amounts or for longer than recommended. Take Pradaxa with a full glass of water. You may take dabigatran with or without food. Do not crush, chew, break, or open a dabigatran capsule. Swallow the pill whole.

Because dabigatran keeps your blood from coagulating (clotting) to prevent unwanted blood clots, Pradaxa can also make it easier for you to bleed, even from a minor injury such as a fall or a bump on the head. Contact your doctor or seek emergency medical attention if you fall or hit your head, or have any bleeding that will not stop.

If you need surgery, dental work, or any type of medical test or treatment, tell the doctor or dentist ahead of time if you have taken dabigatran within the past 12 hours. You may need to stop taking dabigatran for a short time before you have surgery or other medical procedures.

Do not stop taking dabigatran without your doctor's advice. Stopping the medication can increase your risk of stroke. Your doctor may recommend another medication to prevent blood clots if you need to stop taking dabigatran. Your kidney function may need to be checked with blood tests before and during treatment with dabigatran. Keep the capsules in their original container or blister pack. Do not put dabigatran capsules into a daily pill box or pill organizer.

If you have received more than a 30-day supply of this medication, do not open more than one bottle at a time. Open a new bottle only after all the capsules in the old bottle are gone. Store at room temperature, away from moisture and heat. Keep each capsule in the bottle or blister pack until you are ready to take the medicine. Keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use.

Throw away any unused capsules if it has been longer than 4 months since you first opened the bottle. Capsules stored in a blister pack should be thrown away after the expiration date on the label has passed.

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